Perfume Orang 'Ada Ada' | My Favorite DeXandra Zahra

by - April 30, 2019

Greetings and Assalamualaikum to all

Perfume Orang 'Ada Ada' | My Favorite DeXandra Zahra. Opps, sorry sebab tajuk macam kebaboom sangat kan. Jangan salah faham pulak. Kalau nak feeling bau orang 'ada-ada' a.k.a berada boleh lah try DeXandra. Perfume Inspired DeXandra ni sememangnya jenama yang tidak asing lagi bagi penggemar perfume di Malaysia. Dikenali sejak 2012 lagi, DeXandra menawarkan inspired perfume setanding produk antarabangsa dengan pelbagai wangian yang diinspirasi dari jenama antarabangsa yang terkenal.

Inspired Perfume merupakan perfume yang diilhamkan dari perfume original (inspirasi jenama angtarabangsa). Ianya diilhamkan dari segi bau dan ketahanan perfume tersebut. Ramai yang sukakan perfume inspired ini sebab yang pertama, baunya memang hampir sama dengan bau perfume original dan ia boleh dimiliki dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah. So, orang biasa-biasa macam kita ni pun boleh nak feeling 'ada-ada' sebab bau perfume mahal. Hihi. Bagi Shad, harga DeXandra Perfume berpatutan. Sebab Shad selalu beli time sale! So clever! Hihi

Inspired perfume kebiasaannya Shad jumpa dengan kuantiti 30ml/40ml dan 5ml/3ml (saiz kecil - sample). Walaupun packaging inspired perfume tak semewah dan unik macam yang original, tapi ianya sangat berguna bila nak travel. A travel friendly perfume. Agree? Nangis tak berlagu bawak perfume original masa travel kalau botol 'terpecah'!

Added point lagi, ketahanan bau inspired perfume ini rata-rata mampu bertahan selama 6 - 8 jam lamanya. Macam DeXandra Zahra Inspired by Zira yang Shad suka ni. Bau dia floral soft, EDP, tahan lama (more than 8 hours). Memang kena dengan my taste. Ciri seterusnya yang menjadi keutaam dalam pemilihan perfume terutamanya bagi individu muslim, semestinya kesucian. DeXandra adalah produk bumiputera Halal dan ia dihasilkan dari pati original (ekstrak tebu), dan boleh dibawa solat. So, tak ragu-ragu dah nak spray anytime anywhere.

My Favorite, DeXandra Zahra Inspired by Zira 35ml RM70
Shad mula suka dengan DeXandra Zahra ni lepas dapat hadiah giveaway. Masa tu packaging perfume yang bentuk silinder warna coklat. Start dari situ, terus jatuh suka dengan bau wangian Zahra ni.

Memenuhi citarasa Malaysia, DeXandra kini tampil dengan packaging baru yang lebih menarik dan exclusive. A sleek packaging that can slip into my handbag nicely. Packaging Dexandra yang terbaru berbentuk cubiod menggantikan bentuk cylinder yang sebelumnya. Untuk wangian perempuan (For Her), packaging printed design warna putih, dan hitam untuk wangian lelaki (For Him). Cantik packaging baru ni, kalau buat hantaran perkahwinan mesti cantik. Nak bagi hadiah birthday, anniversary pun best jugak.

Wangian DeXandra Zahra Inspired by Zira ni memang kena dengan taste Shad. Kombinasi aroma bunga dan romantis yang sangat menarik. Ramuan termasuk Honeysuckle, Gala Apple dan Stephanotis. Bau dia soft bauan bungaan, lembut je bau dia. Bau ayu, romantik. Boleh bayangkan tak? Hihi. Susah kan nak gambarkan bau. Yang pasti, Shad tak berapa gemar bauan kuat, sebab mesti akan pening kepala kalau bau yang agak strong. Zahra memang win! (At least for me yang memang agak cerewet kalau bab bau-bau ni). So, 5/5 for Zahra.

Selain saiz 35ml, DeXandra jugak mengeluarkan perfume ini dalam saiz lebih kecik, DeXandra sample size 3ml yang dijual pada harga RM10. Bagi yang tak sempat nak try and test dekat kedai, nak cari yang favorite nak try dulu bau mana yang berkenan boleh beli sample size ni. Zahra memang Shad suka sangat. Tapi nak jugak cari new scent kan. Hihi.

Dx Sample Size, Dx Luvia & Dx Chaleur RM10
Alang-alang nak try bau baru, Shad beli dua Dx sample size, Dx Luvia (DKNY Be Delicious) and Dx Chaleur (Bombshell by VS).

DX LUVIA is a bright, fresh and energetic fragrance, which matches a picture of a bold, but charming woman. The top features green notes, violet leaf, apple, grapefruit and magnolia. The heart brings tuberose, lily of the valley, rose and violet, while the base - sandalwood, amber and musk. Luvia (DKNY Be Delicious) from my personal view, sesuai untuk aktif-sporty person, younger woman, collage students. Not to my liking. Bau dia over fresh, aktif sangat for me. So, 3.3/5.

DX CHALEUR (Bombshell by VS) is a fruity, aromatic and floral fragrance contains notes of purple passion fruit, shangri-la peony and vanilla orchid. For true, always sexy - the women with an attitude that require attention. Perfume ni, ramai jugak suka baunya kan. Tapi sayang, bila Shad pakai jadi tak sewangi korang pakai. Rasa pening kepala bila pakai. Ada macam a bit strong sikit dari pengalaman Shad hidu. I am sorry to Bombshell by VS lovers, giving 3.4/5 for this one.

4 Wangian Famous Shad Pernah Try
Some scent yang Shad pernah pakai beserta rating, are below, dan semuanya inspired perfume pelbagai jenama. Rating yang Shad bagi ni, based on my personal experience, and my taste. You know, it is hard to choose a perfume that you will love! Satu lagi, kalau korang perasan, lalu sebelah kawan ni, bau perfume wangi sedap ja, tapi bila kita pakai perfume yang sama, kenapa bau tak sama. A slightly different. A tiny diff. Perasan tak?

Credit Info: DeXandra

Lancome Miracle - First apply, perghh bau dia agak strong, jenis yang tak tahan, please jangan hidu right after apply okay. Pening-pening lalat dibuatnya. Lepas dah  dalam 30 minit macam tu, bau dia jadi nice, pleasant, okkeylahhh. Shad selalu apply ni waktu petang dekat-dekat nak balik kerja. Features fresh, dewy notes of Lychee and Freesia. Its spicy heart features notes of Magnolia, Jasmine, Ginger, and Pepper, and warm base notes of Amber and Musk. Yang tak suka bau laici, you might wanna avoid buying this. Untuk Shad 3.2/5.

Midnight Fantasy (Britney Spears) - Tak salah kalau Shad kata, Midnight Fantasy ni bau romantik, menggoda, masuk alam mimpi. Sesuai sangat dengan namanya, memang Shad suka pakai ni waktu malam. In the top notes there is exotic Framboise, Black Cherry, and Plum. The heart features a harmonious dialogue of Night Orchid, Freesia and Iris. Amber, Musk and Vanilla create a dark and warm trail. Love it, so 4.4/5.

The Body Shop Apple Blossom - This is another favourite masa Shad zaman universiti dulu. Memang repeat bau ni saja. Satu kuliah dah tau dah, kalau bau ni mesti tak lain tak bukan Shad. Hihi. Body Shop Apple Blossom bau macam delicious epal, fresh and straight forward punya bau. First macam kuat sikit bau dia, lama-lama bau soft. The notes include lemon, orange, green apple, freesia, jasmine and amber. So giving 4.3/5 since it's my scent that people recognize during uni life. Bau ni rasa sesuai dengan jiwa muda. Haha.

Gucci Flora - This one, confirm ramai yang pernah bau walau sekali seumur hidup. Tudia kemain kan. Hihi. Girls and women (younger age) mostly memang suka bau Gucci Flora ni termasuklah Shad. Do you? Tapi sebab macam dah ramai bau sama, Shad dah lama tak beli bauan ni. Hihi. Top notes: Citruses, Peony, Mandarin Orange; Middle notes: Osmanthus, Rose; Base notes: Sandalwood, Patchouli, Pink Pepper. Overall, memang pernah menjadi antara kesukaan Shad jugak. So 4.5/5 for this one.

2 New Favorite Perfume From DeXandra, Dx Signora & Dx Laura
Dua wangian kesukaan Shad after Zahra ialah Dx Signora dan Dx Laura. All thanks to personal shopper, Sarah sebab introduce this scent to me.

- Dx Signora = Signorina SF. Signorina is a celebration of chic girls with a sophisticated, fresh-scent signature. Elegant jasmine and the unexpected, delicate sweetness of pannacotta are blended together to create a refined and memorable fragrance. Top notes: pepper (rose/pink), blackcurrant buds (cassis); Middle notes: jasmine, peony, rose; Base notes: patchouli, musk, pannacotta accord. This one, antara new perfume yang Shad suka. Stylish, sophisticated and cheeky. Sesuai untuk remaja wanita muda 13-30an. Looking for something sweet, floral, a bit fresh and girly scent? This one is fo you. 4.8/5 dari Shad.

DX LAURA - Dx Laura inspired perfume dari Ralph (Ralph Lauren) - This is another new favorite! Yang ni bau floral fruity, fresh, aquatic, lightweight. I think I am falling in love with this scent. Smell very nice on my skin! Top notes are japanese osmanthus, apple leaf and italian mandarin; middle notes are magnolia, boronia and yellow freesia; base notes are musk and white iris. Rasanya ramai suka bau ni kan. Sebab dah ramai pakai, so 4.9/5. Boleh pulak macam tu kan. Overall, this one sesuai for anytime.

Jujurnya, nak describe sesuatu bau memang susah. Dan setiap individu tu berbeza dan punya citarasa masing-masing. We are born to have different kesukaan too. Selain pergi try and test that certain scent dekat kedai, kalau rajin boleh try match dengan notes perfume yang kita suka pakai before this bila rasa nak cuba new perfume. Sometimes kita selalu beli wangian familiar je, tapi rupanya banyak lagi yang bau best! Ada peminat DeXandra? Hampa suka bau yang mana satu? Jom share. Lebih dari 40 wangian yang DeXandra tawarkan.

Okay, penat dah menaip panjang-panjang, hampa bukan baca semua pun kan. Scroll tengok gambar pastu baca intro sikit, ending sikit. Kan kan. Cepat ngaku. Haha. Till then, see you on next entry. Berminat nak dapatkan DeXandra Perfume boleh contact nombor dekat bawah ya. BTW, Shad dah beli dah DeXandra baru, Twist And Spray. Packaging dia memang menarik cun sangat, macam lipstick. Next entry Shad up. Tudia, banyak betoi la perfume hang kan Shad. Jimat, tahun depan repeat order. Haha. Ok bye.

Website :
Instagram: DeXandra_HQ
Where to Buy: WhatsApp SHAD

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24 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing, sukses terus..

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  3. Bestnya artikel ni! Keep it up!

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  14. After about 30 minutes, the scent transforms into a pleasant and enjoyable one. The fragrance features fresh and dewy notes of Lychee and Freesia, with a spicy heart and warm base notes. Just like having the Best double oven range in your kitchen enhances your cooking experience, finding the right fragrance that suits your preferences can elevate your overall scent experience.

  15. Perfume Orang 'Ada Ada' by DeXandra Zahra is a delightful fragrance that captivates with its unique blend. While perfume and building demolition may seem unrelated, both offer distinct experiences. Just as a perfume can evoke emotions and memories, Building Demolition in Edmonton opens up new possibilities and paves the way for progress and growth.

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